Dr. Tingneyuc Sekac

BSc. GIS/RS, M.Phil. Geomatics. P.hD. Geomatics, Cert. Electric Power, PG. Cert. Student-Centered Teaching & Learning

Senior Lecturer & Researcher

School of Surveying and Lands Studies

Papua New Guinea University of Technology

Personal Email: tingneyucsekac@gmail.com

Work Email: tingneyuc.sekac@pnguot.ac.pg

Mobile: +675 79939891

Phone: +675 473 4957


Open to



in Geomatics


I am actively seeking postdoctoral opportunities, including positions as a Postdoctoral Associate, Researcher, or Fellow. With a background in Geospatial Sciences/Geomatics Engineering, I am passionate about advancing research in climate change, sustainable energy planning, urban and rural development, urban-rural infrastructure management and planning, marine ecosystems, forestry, natural resource management, and disaster/hazard mitigation and monitoring. I aim to apply my expertise to impactful projects in these areas and collaborate with leading experts. If you know of any relevant opportunities or have recommendations, please get in touch with me using the above contacts.

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Educational background

Ph.D. in Geomatics

The Papua New Guinea University of Technology & University of West Indies
2018 to 2022

Master of Philosophy In Geomatics

The Papua New Guinea University of Technology
2015 to Spring 2017

Bachelor's Degree in Geographical Information Science and Systems (With Merit)

The Papua New Guinea University of Technology
2010 to 2014

Certificate of Council Medal Awarded to the best overall performed Final Year Students in
Bachelor of Geographical Information Science and System

The Papua New Guinea University of Technology


Certificate in Electric Power Technology

Beijing China
Spring 2018

Postgraduate Certificate In Student Centered Teaching and Learning.
Papua New Guinea University of Technology